Biden: Let The Lying Begin

Let the lying begin! I declare I am President-elect. When I lie, do not question me. Act like the Fake News and pretend not to even notice! Bow down. Assume the position. Rightly anticipating problems with gathering 2020 election results, Chris Wallace asked Joe Biden a pointed question during the first presidential debate on September…

Left Approves Drug Use As Good For America

Which is more likely to lead to success? Doing homework or doing drugs? Isn’t doing drugs a good use of time? “Mommy, are drugs okay?” “Yes honey, as soon as you’re eighteen.” “Even heroin?” “Of course honey, if it could hurt you it wouldn’t be okay.” What should you spend your time on today? A…

Left Says Don’t Stand By Your Woman

Sometimes It’s Hard To Be A Woman. Tammy Wynette famously sang those words in “Stand By Your Man” in 1968. That was then, this is now. Today’s women like to stand by their women. Know any good role models for young women? No, it’s not Cardi B, or even Lady Gaga. Instead, how about Member of Congress?…

Elect Your New Totalitarian Government! Vote for Biden!

Republicans like limited government—at least those without RINO or Deep State Swamp Creature credentials. Democrats like big government. Totalitarian? Sure! A vote for Biden is a vote to invite government into your home—and body. Vote for Biden! As refresher, let’s define totalitarianism. Merriam-Webster defines it as “centralized control by an autocratic authority” and “the political…

Left’s Censorship: Believe What You Don’t See

Ever have someone try to withhold information from you that you deserved to know? Parents? Previous spouse? The prosecutor? How did you like that? Today it’s happening before your eyes, courtesy of the Left. Here’s the range of their responses: a) Don’t acknowledge it. b) Tell you that you didn’t see/hear it. c) Tell you the truth…

When You Vote Biden, You Vote For . . .

Some large portion of the electorate will not vote for Donald Trump based on his disposition, as crookedly caricatured by the media and his Democrat opponents. Some others may be prejudiced against orange people. For shame! Many more are against his policies, but few can name more than one of them. Trump is bad! Yes, everybody has their opinions.…